Heritage Berkshire Pork


As far back as we know, every generation of the Giffin family has had the privilege of growing up with hogs.  With the youngest generation growing quickly, we knew it was time to bring hogs back to our farm. 

In December, our new Berkshire gilts made their home in the old pig pen.  This April, black and white piglets seemed to multiply before our eyes!  It was hard to tell which generation of our family was the happiest, but the littlest Giffin definitely had the cutest piggy snort!

All Berkshire hogs are mostly black with pointed ears, white socks, a splash of white on the snout, and a white tip on the tail.  They are strong hardy pigs that love being outdoors, foraging for food, and rooting in the dirt.


It’s incredible to think our young Berkshire piglets go back to generations of hogs originally raised in England and brought to America in 1823.  They are actually one of the original breeds raised in America.  This heritage breed is known for its calm, friendly personality, ability to forage for food, and delicious, high quality meat. It has even been called the Kobe beef of pork!  

Our hogs are raised the old fashioned way, rooting in the dirt, lounging in the shade, and eating a corn ration designed just for them.  They will be finished in late fall with processing dates in November and December.


With the pigs growing fast, now is the time to save your bacon!  Custom pork reservations are officially open and the process is just like purchasing custom beef from our family.  You can make your reservation and send in your deposit now, then pay the balance and pick up your delicious, homegrown pork from the processor later.

Online reservations can be made at giffinfarms.com/meat.  Of course you are always welcome to give us a call if you would prefer to make a reservation over the phone, or if you have questions about the online reservation process!

We are so excited to bring another source of nutritious homegrown meat to our area. As always we are so grateful for the support of our community!

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