Posts in Giffin Farms
The 5 Principles of Soil Health

There is a growing movement within our industry that focuses on creating healthier soils by working with nature, rather than trying to control it. Farmers and ranchers all over the world are improving their soils by embracing soil health principles that mimic nature and promote soil biology.

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Learning to Lean In

Nothing makes me happier than watching our son, Everett, proudly complete his favorite farm job: opening the gate!

As we approach, he begins to smile and stand a little taller. He walks up to the gate confident that he has what it takes. He gets his little hands just right and then leans into it. The real beauty of the moment lies in the fact that opening the gate is everyone else’s least favorite job, but to a little guy on a mission, the gate is the next great thing to be conquered.

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Our Pasture Project

There have been times I would have called our summer cover crop experiment a failure also. There are places where nothing came up and places where it is thick and tall. I’ve noticed that the summer annuals came up best where the existing grass stand was poor. Of course, this makes sense and encourages me, because this is exactly the areas that will most benefit from the increased biomass and diversity.

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A Heifer and a Hiccup

On every farm, there are days that cause heartache in the farmer’s chest. On every farm, there are miserably repetitive tasks that cause headache in the farmer’s mind. But everyday on the farm requires the farmer to get up and push on, because there will be a day when all the work and worry will be worth it.  

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Be Smart, Be Kind, Be Quiet

I would never have expected such simple, content animals to so clearly demonstrate the valuable lessons of working smarter, giving first, and saving room for quietness in our lives.  But I guess that’s the point... everyday I watch them, I remember that life doesn’t have to be so complicated.  I am reminded to sit back and take a deep breath, and I know in my heart that life is good. 

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The Very Best Things About Planting Season

During planting season the highs and lows are never that far apart, and they always have more to do with our attitudes than our actual circumstances.  There’s no doubt that our energy will be depleted, our patience stretched thin, and our motivation tested... but at the same time our days will be filled with the warmth of longer sunshine, sweeter moments, a million growing miracles, and hope that outlasts our exhaustion.

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The Whole Beef Story

I have been helping my family raise cattle my whole life, but I've only just gotten serious about raising beef.  There's a lot to know about the whole process and only a few places to find good information. 

For those of you who are curious about just how a calf becomes a steak, I've now got the full inside scoop.

Here's the whole beef story: 

A calf is born February 1, 2017.  Let's call him Sir Loin...

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Our Story: The Farmer's Market

Derek and I agreed from the beginning that participating in the Farmer’s Market would be a great opportunity to us reach our community, grow our business, and keep me entertained this summer! :)

So the goal to sell beef at the Obion County Farmer’s Market in the summer of 2017 was born.  The next step was to wade through the state regulations, pass the inspections, and create a transportation system that was more sophisticated than a cooler in my Ford Focus.

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Happy Earth Day!

On Earth Day it makes me happy to look back and see how much good will be done, not only for the soil, but for the rest of the Earth too this year.  Our soil is literally alive with potential, the heifers that passed through are big and strong and making their new owners happy, and Derek and I are blessed with the opportunity to be a part of it all.

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